Alunan Nasuha

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


"Wahai orang yang berselimut (Muhammad)! Bangunlah (untuk solat) di malam hari, kecuali sedikit (daripadanya), (iaitu) separuh daripada waktu malam atau kurangilah dari separuh itu sedikit, atau lebihkan sedikit daripadanya. Dan bacalah Al-Quran itu dengan tartil. Sesungguhnya Kami akan menurunkan kepadamu perkataan yang berat. Sesungguhnya bangun di waktu malam adalah lebih tepat (untuk khusyuk) dan bacaan di waktu itu lebih berkesan. Sesungguhnya kamu pada siang hari mempunyai urusan yang panjang (banyak). Sebutlah nama Tuhanmu dan beribadatlah kepada-Nya dengan penuh ketekunan. (Dialah) Tuhan (yang menguasai) masyrik dan maghrib, tiada Tuhan melainkan Dia, maka ambillah Dia sebagai pelindung. Dan bersabarlah terhadap apa yang mereka ucapkan dan jauhilah mereka dengan cara yang baik.

(Surah Al-Muzammil ; ayat 1-10)

Terdapat banyak riwayat yang menjelaskan tentang sebab nuzul (turunnya) ayat 'qiamullail'. Menurut u'lama tafsir, sewaktu Rasulullah SAW didatangi Jibril AS pada kali pertama di gua Hiraq Baginda terkejut dan terus pulang ke rumah dalam keadaan ketakutan dan bersabda kepada isterinya : "Selimutkanlah aku, selimutkanlah aku..." Kemudian turunlah ayat ini.

Pada mulanya, hukum qiamullail menjadi wajib ke atas Rasulullah SAW dan para sahabat pada setiap malam berdasarkan ayat 'qiamullail'. Kemudian ayat ini dimansuhkan oleh ayat ke 20 surah Al-Muzammil iaitu 'faqro u ma tayassara minal qurani. Berdasarkan ayat ke-20 ini, qiamullail menjadi sunat kepada para sahabat dan orang mu'min tetapi tetap menjadi wajib bagi Rasulullah SAW.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Palestine, We Always Be By Your Side..

Everyday we tell each other that this day will be the last..

.....and tomorrow we all can go home free.....

..and all this will finally end..

i pray...

Palestine tomorrow will be free..

no mother..

no father..
to wipe away my tears..

...that's why i won't cry..

i feel scared..

But i won't show my fears...

i keep my head high

deep in my heart.. i never have any doubt,

that my Palestine tomorrow will be free..


I saw those rockets and bombs shining in the sky

like drops of rain in the sun's light..

taking away everyone dear to my heart..

they destroying my dreams in a blink of an eye



i know that i'm only a child..
but is your conscience still alive

i will caress with my bare hands

Every precious grain of sand

Every stone and every tree..

Cause no matter what they do

they can never hurt you..

coz your soul will always be free

Palestine tomorrow will be free
My Palestine tomorrow will be free...

HE always be there

Allahu Akhbar..

if you ask me about love

and what i know about it
my answer would be

it's everything about Alllah

The pure love to our souls

The creator of you and me

the heaven and the universe

The One that made us whole and free

The Guardian of His true believers

so when the time is hard

there's no way to turn

as He promise He will always be there

to bless us with His love and His mercy

coz as He promise He will always be there

He always watching us, guiding us

and He knows what's in all in our heart

so when you lose your way

to Allah you should turn

as He promise He will always be there

He brings ourselves from the darkness into the light


praise belongs to You for everything

shouldn't never feel afraid of anything

as long as we follow His guidance all the way

through the short time we have in this life

-soon it's all will over-

and we"ll be in His heaven and we"ll be fine

so when the time gets hards

there's no way to turn

as He promise He will always be there

to bless us with His love ang His mercy

coz as He promise He will always be there

He always watching us, guiding us

and He knows what's in all in our heart

so when you lose your way

to Allah you should turn

as He promise He will Always be there

Allahu Akhbar...

Friday, September 17, 2010


si parfois tu as du mal a'vance
si tu te sent seul
si tu te sent paume'
quard la nuit s'e'ternise
que l'obscurite' t'oppresse
meme d'esempare'
meme si tu sais quelle voie suivre
ne baisse pas les bras et ne perd pas espoir
car Allah est toujours proche de toi
tu trouveras ta voie

si parfois tu comment tans de fautes
que pour te repentir
tu pense qu'il est trop tard
tellement confus des mauvais choix que tu fais
qui rend tout ton esprit
et emplisse ton coeur de haut
ne baisse pas les bras et ne perd pas espoir
car Allah est toujours proche de toi
tu trouveras ta voie

vas vers Allah
il n'est jamais tre's loin
fais lui confiance le've tes mains et pris
ouh Ya Allah...
guide nos pas et prote'ge nous de l'errance
tu es le seul qui puisse
montrer la voie' (4x)

nous trouverans notre voie..